that one of the best anti-aging, skin rejuvenation, products is really not one of those expensive products after all. Rather, it’s a product of Nature that you can buy relatively cheaply in the market or your local grocery stores –PAWPAW or PAPAYA
Papaya is native to Central and northern South America and has become naturalized throughout the Caribbean Islands, Florida and several countries of Africa. Additional crops are grown in India, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the U.S. state of Hawaii.
Gaining in popularity among tropical fruits worldwide, papaya is now ranked fourth in total tropical fruit production after bananas, oranges, and mango.
Reap The Anti-Aging Skin Benefits of Papaya
I’ve always believed that your skin – being one of the largest organs of your body – will reflect the health of your inner body on your outer skin. Without adequate antioxidants in your diet, your skin will start to show the free radical ‘oxidation’ damage going on internally.
eating of Pawpaw or Papaya gets rid of dull, grayish complexions dotted with many age spots, sagging, lines and furrows, looking older than their years, kindly eat more fruits and vegetables, get the processed “junk foods” out of their diet, these junk food tastes great in your mouth but sometimes all we are doing is digging our own grave with our folk and knives .
Papaya can work wonders on tired, “old” looking skin. It’s high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and also contains Vitamin E, so it has a significant antioxidant value. Applying papaya to your skin has an amazing tightening, as well as brightening, effect. It’s abundant in natural alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) which is an ingredient in those expensive anti-aging skin formulas. It acts as a gentle exfoliator as well as a skin brightener. Whenever you exfoliate the dark, dead skin cells, the skin will appear lighter, brighter, clearer and more youthful looking.
Here are some ways to use papaya to reap its full skin benefit:

To tighten/tone: Mash, or puree in a blender, the papaya fruit with several drops of whole milk, half/half, or whipping cream, and apply to your face, neck, décolleté. The fat in the milk/cream slows down the AHA so as not to dry the skin out. Leave for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. Apply moisturizer. You should notice a tighter, more toned look to face and neck skin.
To hydrate/moisturize: Mash/puree papaya fruit with honey or refrigerated (hardened) coconut oil and apply to your face. Leave for 15 minutes then rinse with cold water. This has both a moisturizing and tightening effect and can be used on drier, or more sensitive, skins. Use a light UV containing moisturizer afterwards.

Take a very small amount of papaya and rub it on the inside skin of your wrist. If your skin reddens, itches, or swells, you may be allergic to it. Tell your doctor about your reaction and ask if you can safely eat, or use, papaya on your skin before doing so.
Nature provides some incredible nutrients, like papaya, that not only help you stay healthy on the inside, but keep your skin looking youthful well into your older years.
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