if you are looking to lose weight then is a bonus , as it will keep you full through the morning, not only are smoothies lite, they contain nutrients that your body needs. whichever fruit you use you are sure to get something healthy from it.
- Peel and slice a banana, and put it into a blender. For a thicker smoothie, use a frozen banana instead.
- Add the milk or yogurt or ice cream and honey as desired
- Top it off with ice, if desired.
- Blend the ingredients until everything is smooth and evenly combined.
- Pour the smoothie into a glass and serve : ).
Making a Strawberry-Banana Smoothie
- Peel and slice one banana, and a one cup strawberries and put it into a blender. For a thicker smoothie, use a frozen banana and strawberry instead.
- Add milk or yogurt and honey as desired
- Top it off with ice, if desired.
- Blend the ingredients until everything is smooth and evenly combined.
- Pour the smoothie into a glass and serve : ).
Making Mango - Ginger Smoothie
- Peel and slice one banana, and a one root of ginger, don't forget to wash it : ) and put it into a blender.
- Add milk or yogurt and honey as desired
- Top it off with ice, and pea nuts if desired.
- Blend the ingredients until everything is smooth and evenly combined.
- Pour the smoothie into a glass and serve : ).

Making Carrot-Apple Smoothie
- Slice one apple , and a two Carrot, don't forget to wash it : ) and put it into a blender.
- Top it off with ice,
- Blend the ingredients until everything is smooth and evenly combined.
- Pour the smoothie into a glass and serve : ).

let me know if you are going to give a try, and the fruits you plan on using : )
Kindly feel free to leave a comment
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