Monday, 21 December 2015


We all have our habits that we intend to perform after we’ve had a meal. Put it turns out, some of them might be dangerous to your health.
These are the 7 most dangerous:
1.Don’t smoke A research done from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).

Don’t eat fruits immediately When you eat your fruits with meals, the fruit is stuck in the stomach along with the contents of the meals and cannot reach the intestines in time. Lying there they get spoilt and spoil the remaining food in the stomach too. Thus it is recommended that you eat a fruit at least one hour after eating a meal or before your meal and preferably in the morning with empty stomach. It is in the morning that the body can best use the nutrients in the fruit and get enough energy to start the day.
Don’t drink tea – The reason for this is the high acidity of the tea leafs. It will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest. It is preferable to drink tea an hour after meals.
Don’t loosen your belt Some people have a habit to loosen their belt after a good meal. However, loosening the belt is bad, not because it causes the intestines to twist or block but because it means that you have over eaten to a level that you are uncomfortable. Loosening of the belt may also cause you to feel comfortable once again which means you may continue overeating. So eat only to the extent that you can be comfortable without loosening your belt!
Don’t bathe – Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
Don’t walk or have any exercise Fact, it is bad for you! Walking directly after meals is a bad idea; it can result to acid reflux and indigestion. However, walking about half an hour after meals is known to be good for you. You should ideally walk for about 10 minutes and only 20-30 minutes after meal to prevent acid reflux and stomach upsets.
Don’t sleep immediately – And as you may already know, the reason for this is that the food will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Saturday, 19 December 2015


Do you eat a lot of bananas? Don’t throw away the peels just yet. Banana peels can be used in everyday chores and tasks. Contrary to popular belief, banana peels can also be eaten. They contain high levels of fiber and antioxidants that make a great addition to a healthy diet. Banana peels are chock-a-block with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, so they’re a natural cure for many an ailment and an aid for cell regeneration.
These are just few of its most important uses in your home:
Teeth Whitening
You want white teeth? Well, you are in the right place. Banana peels can be extremely efficient and beneficial in whitening your teeth. All you have to do is grab a banana peel and rub it on your teeth every day for 5 minutes. You will notice amazing results just after one week of using this whitening method.   These are just few of its most important uses in your home:
Teeth Whitening
You want white teeth? Well, you are in the right place. Banana peels can be extremely efficient and beneficial in whitening your teeth. All you have to do is grab a banana peel and rub it on your teeth every day for 5 minutes. You will notice amazing results just after one week of using this whitening method.
Banana peel is also extremely useful in treating psoriasis. It can cure psoriasis in just few days. Just rub the banana peel on the affected area. Repeat this process 2 times a day. Banana peel has the ability to moisturize your skin, relieve itchiness and as we said, cure psoriasis in just few days.
Helps with Hemorrhoids
The peel from this tropical fruit is also extremely beneficial and useful in the case of hemorrhoids. All you have to do is rub the banana peel on the affected area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day.
We all know that bananas are loaded with potassium, and it can help you heal the main cause of the pain. Just grab the banana peel and hold it across your forehead and the pain will go away. You can also put it across the back of your neck. You will get the same results – get rid of the pain.
anana peel is also very useful in treating acne. In order to reduce the inflammation and irritation, take a banana peel and rub it over the affected area. You should repeat this process every night before going to bed, until you get rid of the acne.
This is another useful benefit of the banana peel. Banana peels can also help you eliminate those stubborn warts. Cut a piece of the banana peel and put it on the warts. You can secure it with a bandage and leave it overnight. Or you can rub the inner side of the peel on the affected area.
You can use banana peel to speed up the healing process of bruises. This is because of the regenerative and healing properties of banana peels.
Natural polishing agent
They can be very useful for everyday tasks and for cleaning your home. Banana peels can be extremely useful for cleaning your furniture, kitchen utensils, polish your shoes and you can even use them to clean off the dust and debris from the leaves of your houseplants.
Bug bites
You can reduce itching from insect bites and calm the affected area on your skin. All you have to do is grab a banana peel and rub it over the bug bites.
Rashes and itches
Banana peels are extremely useful and beneficial in relieving rashes and itches. Just rub the banana peel over the affected area 2 times a day. You need to repeat this method until it disappears.
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Thursday, 10 December 2015

11 Tips On How To Survive Harmattan Successfully

Harmattan can damage our health in many ways: it affects our skin, eyes and respiratory tract. It cracks your lips and damages your skin. The eyes are also vulnerable to dust. A lot of other unpleasant diseases are easily triggered by this weather as well.
Here are some tips on how to make this season easier for your health.
1. Drink more water. Remember that this should be just water. Juice, tea or coffee don’t count. An adult should drink approximately 1.5-2 liters of pure water daily.
2. Don’t drink soda, coke and other carbonated soft drinks. They dehydrate your skin.
3. Avoid antiseptic soap. You should use it only when you have some skin problems or an infection. This kind of soap should be used only for short periods of time, and only for treatment. .
4. Don’t forget to apply oily creams to keep the skin healthy. Your clothes should be weather friendly as well.
5. Use special lip balms and apply some oily cream or Vaseline or the almighty shea better  to the soles of the feet. It will help to prevent them from cracking.
6. If your hair is long, you should keep it moisturized. Have hairstyles that keep the ends of your hair hidden. You can also wrap it to protect your hair from the dust.
7. Your clothes should be warm enough to protect you from the cold.
8. Don’t forget to rinse your eyes with clean water. If you can, wear protective spectacles. Reduce exposure to the dust as much as possible.
9. If you have asthma or some other respiratory conditions, you should pay special attention to your health. Take all possible measures to reduce exposure to the dirty and dusty atmosphere. Carry your inhalers with you at all times.
10. Fruits and vegetables should be washed properly before eating. If you store them outside, the containers should be always adequately covered.
11. Keep your house warm. But don’t forget that harmattan is also the season when we have the most fire accidents. Fire should not be left unattended at any cost. This would help to avoid indiscriminate burning during this season.
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Tuesday, 8 December 2015

10 Foods That You Should Immediately Stop Eating

All our food we consume and that is available we really need to try to be careful of what do we eat. For many harmful products of fat and artificial additives there is an excellent substitute in some natural products.
Therefore, it shouldn’t be too difficult to reject these 10 foods from our everyday meals:
A small bag of chips contains 125 calories, 10 grams of fat where 3 grams are saturated. If every other day you eat a bag of chips, in a year you will enter 23.400 calories. Replace it with popcorn –it’s so much healthier.
French fries
No matter how tasty it is as an appetizer or a main meal, a large portion of French fries is used in restaurants and contains about 570 calories. If it is a hamburger, add plus 670 calories.
Fresh white bread
A piece of white bread has 65 calories. There is no great nutritional value, it doesn’t contains enough vitamins and minerals, just creates a false sense of satiety.
Right now, soda is arguably public enemy number-one—and for good reason. The list of reasons you shouldn’t drink the stuff are staggering. Among them, you’ve got weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease.
Well, according to 2014 study in the American Journal of Public Health, drinking soda can age you by as much as smoking. It’s something to think about
. Margarine
Billed as a healthy alternative to butter, margarine’s trans fats, which put you at risk for heart disease and diabetes, are far worse than the natural saturated fat you’ll find in butter, Fear says. Does your margarine’s label say, “0 trans fat.” That might be a flat-out lie. The Food and Drug Administration currently allows food manufacturers to claim their products are trans-fat free as long as they contain less than 0.5 grams of trans fat in each recommended serving. While you’re tossing out your margarine, you should also take a look at the labels on any frozen food and bakery items you have in your kitchen. Many contain margarine as an ingredient, Fear says.
Fast-Food Burgers
“Ultra cheap food is made from ultra cheap ingredients, and burgers are no different,” Fear says. “Even if you try to minimize the bacon, fries, soda, cheeses, and sauces added to your fast-food meal, the meat in your burger is a far cry from what you’d buy from a butcher. In one Annals of Diagnostic Pathology study, researchers studied eight fast-food brands and found that all of their burgers contained between 2.1 percent and 14.8 percent meat. The rest was water, connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, fat, cartilage, and, in some, even parasites.
White sugar, white flour, margarine and all fried in flour. Average donut contains 200 calories and 12 grams of fat. Instead of carbohydrates you should eat sweets of whole grains flour.
Cream and topping
Juicy and delicious sweets with cream and topping no one can resist, but one teaspoon of topping has 32 calories, and no one can keep only one. If you can completely avoid them, than as a replacement is excellent fruit yogurt.
Whether you eat sausages for breakfast or as an appetizer with beer, they are equally undesirable for your body. The average pork sausage contains 217 calories and 20 grams of fat. If you love them so much, and you have to eat them, replace them with chicken or vegetarian sausages with soy.
Fried chicken
If chicken white meat is fried in oil, then there will be about 400 calories and 22 grams of fat. Replace frying with grill frying, boiling or baking in the oven and get a healthier meal.
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